PangeaSeed Foundation

place Keaau, Hawaii, USA


Saved on 4 projects and calls

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PangeaSeed Foundation is an international non-profit organization acting at the intersection of art and environmentalism to further the conservation of our oceans.

Our mission is to empower individuals and communities to create meaningful environmental change for oceans through science, education, and ARTivism.

What We Do

PangeaSeed Foundation was founded on four core values (Sustainability, Education, Ecology and Design) and operates within three program areas (ARTivism, Education, and Science).

Our flagship program is Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans, our groundbreaking public art program that brings the ocean into streets around the globe.

To date, it has been the most powerful tool for the realization of our organization's mandate. Since 2014, we have created over 350 murals in 15 countries across the globe, all addressing pressing marine environmental topics.

With the help from our growing community of 250+ supporting artists donating their time and talent, we continue to bring attention to the global plight of our oceans through ARTivism and are fostering a new breed of conservation through community engagement and empowerment.


Akira B
Akira B.
Director of Operations
Kyla V.
Program Manager