Lake Stewards of Maine - Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program

place Auburn, Maine, USA
language http://www.lakestewardsofmaine.o…


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Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM), formerly Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program, promotes lake stewardship and helps protect Maine lakes through widespread citizen participation in the gathering and dissemination of credible scientific information pertaining to lake health. LSM trains, certifies and provides technical support to hundreds of volunteers who monitor a wide range of indicators of water quality, assess watershed health and function, and screen lakes for invasive aquatic plants and animals.

What We Do

LSM views our ability to guide and support the passion and commitment of everyday citizens, all of whom share a very personal feeling of connection to Maine lakes, as the only viable means of providing the effective stewardship needed to safeguard these treasured bodies of water. Our vision is essentially to create a broad-based culture of lake stewardship, fueled by the passion of individual citizen scientists, who choose a way of life that includes actively participating in the important work of preserving every lake in Maine.


Alison C
Alison C.
Development Director
Christine G
Christine G.
Project Facilitator
Tristan T
Tristan T.
Water Quality & Technical Programs Director