Wild Bird Fund

place New York, New York, USA
language http://www.wildbirdfund.org


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Wild Bird Fund is a state and federally licensed 501(c)(3) that cares for the injured, ill and orphaned wildlife of New York City. Our mission is twofold: to provide veterinary care and rehabilitation to native and migrant wildlife so that they can be released back into the wild, and to educate New Yorkers about the rich diversity and environmental needs of the city's precious wildlife.

What We Do

WBF is the only rehabilitation facility for wildlife in New York City -- and the only hope for thousands of caring New Yorkers who come to us, wild bird in hand.

Rehabilitation includes radiographs, diagnostic testing, surgery, medication, bandaging, splinting, physical therapy, feeding and sheltering, for as many as 9,500 animals (2022). Migratory, native and non-native birds are treated, as well as small wild mammals and reptiles.


Ritamary M
Ritamary M.
Executive Director
Christopher  J
Christopher J.
Volunteer Rockstar
Cameron K.
Managing Director