Sane Energy Project

place New York, New York, USA


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Sane Energy Project is dedicated to a vision of a 100% renewable energy New York City and New York State. For that vision to become a reality, we need strong grassroots momentum that calls for a rethinking of our energy system from the bottom up – replacing the current drive to build shale gas infrastructure with a drive to build renewable infrastructure.

We work to build that momentum in three main areas: Awareness, Attitudes and ACTION!

I'd like to develop a plan/program for a way to deeply engage and organize our volunteer members to lead on campaigns, and build a fun system of accountability.

What We Do

We have 2 main areas of programming with campaigns under them:
1. stop fracking infrastructure
2. build renewable energy with an eye toward low-moderate income inclusion.
We use a lot of art for outreach/education tools, and also engage in direct action and policy work.


Kim F
Kim F.
Lee Z
Lee Z.
Community Engagement Coordinator