New York City H2O Inc.

place New York, New York, USA


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NYC H2O’s mission is to inspire and educate New Yorkers of all ages to learn about, enjoy and protect their city’s local water ecology. Through providing public and school programs at historic reservoirs, parklands, watersheds, bays, rivers, and wetlands, we encourage diverse citizens to advocate for responsible public policy. Our activities promote science-based knowledge of New York’s local ecosystems and of what is needed for urban water resilience in a time when climate change impact continues to escalate.

What We Do

NYC H2O events teach people about New York City's incredible water system and its local water ecology. We offer free STEM water ecology field trips to New York City school children. We offer outdoor water-themed events and tours including visits to historic reservoirs and other important sites. We run volunteer beach clean-ups to help NYC's wetlands. We offer public lectures on NYC's local water ecology. Join us at an event, or even better, contact us to volunteer!


Matthew M
Matthew M.
Volunteer manager