New Haven/Leon Sister City Project

place New Haven, Connecticut, USA


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New Haven/Leon SCP is a binational organization promoting social justice, education and sustainable development in the New Haven and Leon communities.

The Climate Change Program is a response to the urgent crisis created by increasing greenhouse gas emissions to human well-being in Nicaragua and New Haven. This project educates the public and elected leaders about specific threats climate change presents and advocates for policies and actions that cut carbon emissions and improve local public health. The Program includes work with the the New Haven Climate Movement and other efforts.

What We Do

The primary work of the NH/LSCP in Leon, Nicaragua is to support community based initiatives in the rural communities of Goyena and Troilo and to facilitate programs and projects that improve public health and community based education, support women's rights, and address root causes of poverty. In New Haven we work to respond to climate change and promote public health. In both communities we work to build local leadership and capacity and address root causes of poverty and injustice.


Chris S
Chris S.