Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake

place Annapolis, Maryland, USA
language https://www.interfaithchesapeake…


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Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake's mission is to ignite the power of faith communities in the Chesapeake region to honor all of Creation by working together to protect and restore our shared watershed.

What We Do

We engage faith communities in meaningful actions to restore clean water. We offer educational programs, trainings for faith leaders, broker resources for restoration activities, and connect faith-based advocates to legislative issues that need their voice. Over the past several years we have worked with over 200 congregations respond to the challenges of our time. Collectively they have planted trees, installed rain gardens, planted native species, raised awareness within their communities, built internal green ministries to sustain ongoing activity and elevated the moral voice in the halls of power.


Jodi R
Jodi R.
Executive Director
Anna A.
Program Manager
Kolya B
Kolya B.
Religious Educator