Grow Ahead

place Portland, Oregon, USA


Saved on 12 projects and calls

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We connect individuals and organizations directly to small-scale family farmer organizations in the global south through crowdfunding in order to support small-scale farmers address the challenge of climate change in their communities.

What We Do

We team up with local partners, primarily fair trade and organic farmer cooperatives and NGOs, who lead the development and implementation of climate resiliency projects. We intend to bridge the resource and funding gap and will work in four key areas:

1) Facilitating a revolving loan program for farmer-developed resiliency projects, such as soil conservation and yield-boosting compost operations.

2) Raising funds for annual regional Farmer-to-Farmer exchanges. These exchanges will facilitate farm leaders' ability to share successes and resources. They will also produce written and multimedia resources, encapsulating farmer experiences and "takeaways" to share with other farmers.

3) Providing funds and resources for farm leader "multiplier" agroecology scholarships. Grow Ahead raises funds earmarked specifically to provide scholarships for women farm leaders and trainers to attend farmer-centric agroecology schools.

4) Raising funds for agroforestry systems.


Ryan Z.
Volunteer manager
Julia G
Julia G.
Program Manager